Friday, December 26, 2008

First Post

Here's my first post.

My name's Nikki, I'm 25, married and have a gorgeous 1 year old daughter named Olivia. Olivia was born my junior year of college (I was an art student) and I never got to finish. So, I'm a stay-at-home mom but I have a lot of hobbies, most of which include art in some way. My newest hobby is cake decorating and that will occupy the majority of my posts. I've decided to call my cake "business" "Cakes & Crumbs". I started with my daughter's cake on Dec. 16 and I've made 5 cakes since then.

I've always enjoyed making people happy. There's something special about making someone dinner and when I learned how to cook, that became my favorite way to make someone smile. But, there's something a lot different about giving someone something sweet - it makes the recipient smile a little bigger. Besides, when I make a cake for someone, I get to be a part of a happy event and that makes me smile.

So...stay tuned for more sweet treats...

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